Our Strategy Analysts are some of the best you’ll find. They come from many different backgrounds, have studied many different subjects and have the most diverse range of perspectives. But they’re all smart people. Business-focused, with a talent for thinking on their feet and a strategic understanding of how commerce works.
These are qualities you can’t always see on paper, so we’ve created two face-to-face interview challenges to identify powerful thinkers who will be an asset to our business.
Step 2/5
What business model would you use to launch a new magazine? Could you run the numbers on launching an Airbnb for people’s cars? How would you structure a sales promotion on ice cream?
The case study interview is how we’ll test both your analytical and your strategic abilities. This isn’t just about being skilled with numbers – it’s about using them to solve problems. Your ability to use your data analysis talents to develop ingenious business ideas – and then communicate them clearly and compellingly is what will really make you stand out.
It’s a chance to get your teeth into a hypothetical business problem. You’ll work through it with us and show us how you got to your answers.
Step 3/5
Can you come up with brilliant business ideas, then evaluate their commercial effectiveness?
The product interview is your chance to showcase your creative thinking. We want to see that you’re able to dive into a new business idea, and then use your commercial knowledge to develop practical implementations for the ideas you propose.
Step 4/5
We’re a really collaborative business so we look for people who enjoy working in teams. People who know how to listen to others and get their own point across in the right way – clearly, concisely and calmly.
In our Group Tasks, you’ll be given a situation or challenge to discuss as part of a small group. We’ll observe how you interact with other people as this will give us a good insight into how well you’d contribute to your team if you went on to join us.
There are no right or wrong answers here so the best way to prepare is to think about what makes for a good team dynamic – and to make sure you showcase your listening and verbal communication skills to the full.
Step 5/5
What next?
Our interview process enables us to learn things about you that can’t be discovered from CVs or exam results. If you’re excited by the chance to show us what you can do in an online challenge that’s designed to bring out your strengths, commercial ability and business prowess, then start your application today.