Matt's Story

Software Engineer
“I always start the day with a cup of coffee while I reply to any messages or emails. After attending the morning team meetings, I then get stuck into my tasks for the day, such as writing code for a new feature or fixing bugs. After lunch, I could have extra meetings, team fun, or more time to work on some of the various other projects I’m involved with, so there really is a lot of variety day-to-day!
I actually studied Maths while I was at Uni. I’ve always loved it – it has just always made sense to me. As I wanted to keep learning more, I‘ve been able to use my maths skills to break down a problem into smaller, more palatable steps which is so useful in programming.
Just one of the great things about Capital One is the level of support of you get. Thanks to the people I work with, I feel I can achieve anything. I’m looking forward to more rotations in Tech, so I can experience lots more different areas and find what I really enjoy. Whichever discipline I end up deciding to build my career in, I know there will be people to help me, and I’ll be able to make a difference.
It’s hard to choose just one best moment since I joined as there have been so many, but I think deploying the first feature that I worked on to production would be up there. After working on it for many weeks, it was really rewarding to see it go live and actually handle real customer interactions.
Written by: Matt Greensted